Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Can Be Happy

News alert: sometimes it's hard to be happy.  Sometimes the stack of assignments is taller than the stack of A grades given back.  Sometimes the to-do list is longer than the done list.  Sometimes the hours of sleep during a week are less than the hours of a day.  Sometimes life is just hard.

But I had this little thought: why do we have these hard times?  Yeah, I know it's so that we can become better.  And I do believe it.  Without these times, how would we really be happy, right?  But really just think about how you got all these problems you have right now.  

Why do I have so much homework? ... Because I'm here at a wonderful university learning fascinating things.

Why am I getting so little sleep? ... Because I'm staying up into the wee hours of the night talking to my roommates who make me better every day.

Why do I have a never-ending list of things to do? ... Because I have so many blessings.

Life is truly beautiful.  Sometimes it takes a really hard spurt to jolt us to that reality.  But each and every day, I am living.  And why am I living?  Because Christ died for me.  And I can find and dig out the happiness in living because I know that Someone who loves me is in control of it all.  And no matter what, I can be happy.  

So I will be happy.

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