Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Love of Family

"I sustain myself with the love of family."
-Maya Angelou

I kind of like my siblings.  A lot.

This is Caitlan.  She likes soccer, photographs, The Bachelor, writing, eating, sleeping, talking, listening to all music, being called Wruby, and friends.

With her I shop, talk about boys, watch music videos, take pictures, think, and smile.

This is Regan.  He likes Phineas and Ferb, writing, talking, reading, being a brother, playing MarioKart, the Avengers, unwrapping gifts, and laughing.

With him I watch movies, eat popcorn, think of stories, go to Orange Leaf, and grow.

This is Afton.  She likes every color, laughing, books, singing, learning, talking  all the time, doing puzzles, learning, thinking she's a grown up, and loving.

With her I sing One Direction, watch chick flicks, talk on the phone, do hair, and laugh.

Without these three people, I'm pretty sure I'd be as useless as a car without tires, Taylor Swift without a break-up, a book without pages, Downton Abbey without Mary, this world without a Savior.

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