This video definitely made my day today. So if you want your day made, I suggest you watch it. Like I would suggest you get out of the water if you see a "shark warning" sign. Like I would suggest you drink water if you're parched. Like I would suggest you buy a book you've always wanted if it's on sale.
How can you not feel like you can conquer the world after that? You were made to be awesome. It's true. So don't waste any time. Get on it.
I have a really fabulous life. Not fabulous like limos and mansions and butlers and yachts and Prada and money. But fabulous like friends and knowledge and food and a job and the gospel and family. According to, fabulous: almost impossible to believe; incredible. By definition, my life sounds pretty fabulous to me.
And lately I've been thinking a lot about how blessed I am. And how I really need to be better. A better sister, a better daughter, a better roommate, a better missionary, a better student, a better friend, a better stranger, a better liver (not like the organ but like a person who lives.) Because Someone gave me this life. And I want to live worthy of it.
But what if you were told you only had a few days to live? Who would you talk to? Where would you go? What memories would crowd your mind? What would you want to change? What pictures would you look at?
One thing's for sure. I probably wouldn't be sitting here on my couch cuddled under my yellow monkey blanket listening to Taylor Swift and typing on my keyboard.
I would like to think I would be making someone happy. Or reading a book. Or laughing with my family. Or learning something new. Or trying something good. Just living a better life. Because that's all I get to take with me when it's all over.
So live your life the way you know it should be lived. Look outside like you're seeing light for the first time. Wake up like you thought you wouldn't get another day. Dance to that music like you just found your arms and legs. Read that book like you won't know the ending unless you finish it tonight. Love that person like this is the last time you'll see them. Live this very second like it's the very last one you get. And do something fabulous.
Because you were made to be awesome.
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